
HarmonyOS 2 vs EMUI 11: Boot speed comparison [Video]



HarmonyOS 2 is a new operating system, designed and developed by Huawei but the company has announced its open source. Therefore, the more and more third party are stepping up and joining the adaptation process.

The arrival of HarmonyOS 2 is highly sourced by its predecessor – EMUI, which is based on Android since the beginning.

Currently, both of these software systems share almost the same root of the user interface but HarmonyOS 2 delivers them in a quite neat and clean fashion compared to EMUI.

But we are comparing the latest HarmonyOS 2 in different scenarios and bootload time is also one of the main concerns of any smartphone user. As it could take countless times to load the home screen once restarted.


So in this session let’s start our boot load comparison series with HarmonyOS 2 and EMUI 11.

According to the test result, HarmonyOS 2 perform the reboot process in 31.82 seconds. On the other hand, the EMUI 11 took 33.55 seconds to complete the boot. Check the complete comparison video linked below.

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