Google Play

55% of Google Play Store apps are reportedly sharing your data with third party servers



Of course, Google has concerns about its consumers’ safety and privacy. To give the best facilities, the company keeps on updating its policies and systems. But do you know that there are at least 55% of apps in the Google Play Store that is constantly looking at your data and sharing it with third-party servers?

That’s not an assumption or speculation, but a fact. The report is coming from the table of Incogni cooperation. Consequently, the researchers have made a giant leap in the Google Play Store and found that approx 55.2 percent of apps are sharing users’ data in an irrelevant manner.

Surprisingly, those apps that do not charge a fee share seven times more of the data in comparison to their paid parts. The same is with the popularity mode. Those apps that are more famous among users transmit more data than unpopular applications.

To make a good search on which apps are employed in this sharing field, Incogni has gone into the depths of the Google Play data safety section. The company published these details in July this year regarding the security practices of app developers.


These apps affect your data!

Consequently, apps falling in the category of shopping, business, food, and drinks services collect and share most of the user’s data. However, a large amount of data goes into the social media and business applications section.

Although, Google specifically mentions that the definition of sharing is quite different in the technical field. Also, this definition does not include the transfer of data to a service provider. This means, till the time you will become aware of your information, it will end up transferring to another system.

Some apps follow safety regulations and do not transmit encrypted info. Yet, again the point is the same as how to identify which app is taking more of the information. The US tech giant hasn’t made any word till now on this matter. But, it’s important to understand the theory of Google behind the term ‘sharing data’.

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